Chakras (Part Two)

The collective unconscious mind moves as a one-celled amoeba. It has no preference for in which way it moves. It inclines towards the greater good, as in all beings, survival is the uppermost thought. The greater good is implied or directed by your moral compass. Each individual wields their own moral compass differently. Each person has one. Though their justifications for various actions are solidified by which way their compass blows. An individual having an insight into his own being and the whys and wherefores of how their compass operates, is a more finely tuned individual than one who relies upon his judgment only……..where a bias can occur. Individuals are always known for their repressive tactics when they have a desire or need to fulfil. The moral compass is put back on the shelf. However, each individual is a part of the collective and contributes to the overall group consciousness of humanity. So, no matter what they profess on the outside, and their actions thereof, it is the internal thought processes that really matter, that have an input into the overall group consciousness.

There are many different group consciousnesses, subdivisions of the consciousness of humanity. Not divisions as you might think…, women etc. No, the divisions are more grouped around the active energy centres of each human. As each human possesses the requisite number of energy centres so different individuals have a different way of living. A different perspective, a different understanding, based on the chakras that are most prominent, most thoroughly used, most in sway. It could be that the throat chakra is in great use and the vibration that comes in on that chakra is identified with and by others. They hear it, feel it, resonate with it. That vibration gives them a way of being, an understanding on that vibrational level. An understanding of life, the world, people, everything that they have a thought about. Other chakras will also impinge with their vibration on the human thought process….which includes the body. However, the energy centre that is most prominent will have first control in the physical world. It is a two-way system of course. You are a bead on a string of pearls. There is an incoming vibration and an outgoing vibration. Continually you are attuning to the new vibration. At times this may be easy and at times difficult. Especially when you are being asked to fine tune your energy and become more than you feel you are.

The energy centres of your body keep you well; keep you attuned to that energy, keep you in balance. You have free will, always, to step away from the energy and concentrate or focus on the energy of another vibration, another flow. This, however, will be a temporary diversion, much as the change from writing to procreation to eating. Energy centres are brought into play for all aspects of life. One having most influence, then another. They are vital aspects of energy in your physical and auric fields. Not necessarily small and body-sized but sometimes quite large and stretching outside the body. This is rare as the natural formation is to link you and your centres through and to the auric fields. Human intervention can affect the size of the energy centres….alcohol, drugs etc. Can adversely influence the active balanced chakra into a shape change, becoming sloppy in its revolutions and consequent shaping. But still the chakra will do its best to complete its cycles and give you the finest connection it can give despite any handicaps you may have conferred on it.

The chakra that governs you will always be the strongest, most well-formed, vibrationally charged energy centre that is working to the optimum. If they are all so equally very highly tuned, you are well balanced and aware of their workings. Then you have choice and can choose which energy centre it is beneficial to work with. Rather than be dictated to by your energy centres when you are unaware and unbalanced, as in anger or overwhelming sadness.

The chakras continually provide your lessons as they pull in energy and then you radiate both individual and a combined energy out to others. So… attracts like. And the individual energy is shared to the group consciousness which is an energy level of the whole. And together they radiate out a oneness of being. For example, individuals with a lifestyle focused on greed, acquisition, rage, duplicity. They will pull in energy to support their wants and needs. Their universal need would be for power, acquisition, violence, revenge etc. Those vibrations would be pulled into their chakras as their desires, wants and needs……how they expect the world to be. But their system is constantly balancing and rebalancing. Always to their highest good to effect a fine-tuning of their vibration. Their compass may not be in evidence or it may be in effect in some form, but they will be actively fine-tuning to a finer vibration yet still governing their wants and needs through base actions e.g. the phrase, “honour amongst thieves “.

There is a positive vibration in everyone. There is a natural leaning towards the positive growth as a person. The chakras are powerful energy factories in this. Powering the system, pulling in energy and vibrating out the nuance of an individual. Even with an individual operating from a base action and thought, the individual is still moving towards a more finely tuned vibration. It may not seem evident initially and may be happening slowly, but an individual is always changing. That is life. There is no permanence……..all is change. That individual is still moving with divine purpose towards enlightenment of his thought processes and of his being. This may come through hard choices, difficult times, painful events. There may be a small shift or an enormous leap in vibration, but everyone is moving at different speeds towards enlightenment that is a knowing of their place in the cosmos. Baby steps are absolutely fine.

Everything is in balance and humanity will take the vibrational leap as one entity. Yes, individuals can come to “enlightenment” or “knowing” at various times in the history of the world. Many do quietly. But they too are held in the balance of vibration that is humanity.

Chakras (Part One)

The chakras are in momentum within your auric field. They can turn enormously fast or exquisitely slow. Neither one nor the other is perfect or imperfect. It is apt for you, your thoughts, your way of being, your body. The colours of the chakras too, are not uniform, are dependent on perception, who perceives them. They are not uniform, the colours ebb and flow. Throw startling, amazing patterns of light through your whole cosmic body and together with your vibration, which shines out in colour, sings out in sound. You resonate with these colours and sounds and we see you. You in your honest, most true form. We do not see the physical world as such, as we are not physical with physical eyes, but we are aware of the vibration in which you live. The vibration you surround yourself with. That which resonates with you and that which is harmonious and that vibration which is repellant to you. We see all this. We see the strands of connection travelling from you to others, to places,to moments, to events. How that connection vibrates, whether with longing or with hate, happiness or sadness. All this is visible to us. This you are unaware of but you do feel it. You feel those connections and you know where you are drawn to, and those moments, times, people, events that repel you.

The auric field is sensitive and finely tuned. Protected in it’s own sheath so it does not become damaged within the whole auric energy field. As can happen, as you know, when people receive a shock of some kind: a violent, traumatic or destructive event; sudden near death happenings; bad news that rocks a person’s foundation on which their life has rested. Many things may induce such a shock.

The chakras are also anchor points and multi-connective nodes through which understanding, energy, power, emotions and vibration are filtered. These nodes attempt to ensure there is always connection and that the system does not become overloaded with emotions. Sometimes a chakra, languidly spinning is exactly what is needed and sometimes a chakra phizzing with energy is also needed. Neither is excluded and may be temporary or may last for weeks, maybe years. Each person, being unique, has unique chakras. Unique in colour and movement. The common factor is that each physical breathing body in the physical plane has them. The nodes are important in that they keep the body connected to itself, the auric field and the surrounding fields of energy, through which you make connection to spirit and to God. All that is important is that they exist and as they breathe… breathe.

How to look after them is simple. You live your life being true to yourself, which allows them free movement. Allows them to spin, fluctuate and still, as is their wont. If your emotion stagnates it blocks their activity. If emotions become thick with negativity, the chakras cannot be their best for your body. The auric field carries your map. How you would like your world, your body, your view of life, how to progress. If the nodes are hampered in their work, as they connect to each other and connect to other nodes, they will not speak true. They will be a shade of your truth, or conversely, be too excitable and your passion will evolve in a different way, as a different chakra is influenced to be different, become something it was not asked to be. As you needed the strong influences of a certain chakra on your life and instead negative or excitable emotion or a different vibration not attuned to you has affected the important chakra and another has taken its place. If the unwanted blockage is not cleared or the dark emotion/vibration surrounding the chakra is not cleared, then an alternative chakra will come to the fore and have a major influence on your life.

You do not run your chakras; nor do they run you. It is a relationship of harmonious balance. So always clear your chakras of negative energy. Get to the root cause of blockages and upsets in your life. Chase them down. Clear them out of your auric field. Then celebrate the true quality of a balanced chakra field, which is so very beautiful to observe. There are many chakras/nodes from the tips of your fingers to the tips of your toes. From the top of your head to the soles of your feet. From your liver to your sex organs. All resonate You. Truly knowing yourself, understanding yourself and being your true self keeps the chakras healthy and doing their job. Keeping you on your divine course, your mission, which is your life. One step at a time. It is not usual for them to become oversized unless one is to become a great orator or Mother Teresa with an enormous capacity for love. Usually chakras stay within certain parameters but always fluctuate in colour and movement and sound, as they sing you out to the universe. Think on this……..You are a sound, a unique vibration, a resonance within the Aum. The first and last sound that holds the universe within it. You are an important part of that resonance. Without you there is no perfect Aum.

Dream Like A Bear

This is a time for self reflection, as we come to the end of one year and begin another. A time to reflect on the good that has happened and to also reflect how one might have done some things differently. This difference and new thinking are what we can take into the beginning of a new year. With a determination for the next year to be more riotous and joyful, more perfect in each moment. Do not live in monochrome. The passions of the colours of life in all their intensity are there to be lived if you so desire. Many do not see the Autumn/Winter as an opportunity to shed the old and bring in the new with Spring. But each season is apt for your living.

In Autumn……..the browns, reds and golds. The browns of dry discarded thoughts, ideas of old ways of being; the reds of passions in your life and the gold glints and hints of what is to come. These are all felt in the Autumn as you reflect on a beautiful Summer and feel the glow of its memories warm you as the weather cools. The memories of the past are with you in Autumn. Thoughts of the past year wander further back and memories are there to warm you as Winter approaches. Winter is the bones of life. The bare sheet on which you begin to write for the next year. As the rich glow of Autumn fades, the starkness of Winter arrives and you are able to see to the root of it all. As your clock slows, and your body slows, the nights darken and you feel the pull of hibernation. Like a bear, your body needs to slow and dream the new world into being. Dream Well. Plan Big. Expect More. Allow the Winter to build on the bare bones, to become coated in a new way of thinking, a new way of being. And dream yourself into your new world.

When Spring comes, in all its wondrous hues of fresh green, this is the time for sudden spurts of growth and development. All Winter has been preparing for this. The fertile time of appreciation of life, growth of your emotional and physical bodies and the growth of your soul. You are not dissimilar to a plant. You are subject to the same time continuum; the same earth where you plant your feet; the same daylight hours; the same dreaming of the longer days with the gentle warmth of Spring. You feel the same freshening wind. You know how many hours the sun shines on you. You are aware of a Winter of dreamy hibernation. All bodies respond and awaken with enthusiasm in the Spring. The changes that were laid down in the Autumn/Winter are grown into action in the Spring. New Year’s resolutions are a symbol of how the human race approaches the new year, having dreamt the next year in. They may not always be kept but the intent is there. Spring growth can be a springboard for the activity of the year. Plans become alive and resonate into being. The time of dreaming is past, the time for action comes with the Spring. The time to do, grow and become. And thence to the Summer, when you enjoy the fruition of your plans. When you enjoy your living, with its passionate highs and glorious moments. When the Summer enriches your soul with its fullness of being. Enjoying each moment, full and flowering, pregnant with possibilities.

The future is something you have already dreamed. It is not random. You put meat on its bones during your quiet dreaming. You caused the Spring and Summer by utilising your Autumn and perfecting your Winter. You are like a plant, drawing close to the sun in Summer. Growing towards the light as your soul desires to feel at one with its intent. You are the soul surviving through the lean Autumn and the harsh Winter, dreaming vibrant Springs and full Summers into being. So it is with you as a person. As you suffer through your hardships you dream of the future and hope constantly for better. You look back on the past/Autumn, and vow to do better with a new beginning as the old is stripped away/Winter. In the Spring your dreams become reality and you grow and change and build towards the long enjoyment of your Summer.

Even wetlands have a summer…… too does the Arctic. There is always a Summer. Always a season of remembrance and sifting the leaves. And always a Winter as you strip away what you don’t need and dream what you do want. Always a beautiful Spring that is grown from the plans and seeds and hopes of your frosted Winter. And always a Summer to enjoy your achievements, your moments, your being, your Now……….if you would give yourself the enjoyment of the season.

So you do not just walk on the earth with feet separated by concrete and rubber, by tarmac. You are never separated from the Earth……its times, its seasons. You are never separated from the rise and fall of the Earth’s hopes and dreams. Your body and mind are governed by the Earth’s cycles. Its physical, chemical, organic, biological makeup. You are not separate ………will never be separate from the Earth. Even through a mile of concrete you would breathe Her air, feel Her rhythm…….so profound is your connection. That is why you need to connect with Mother Earth/nature on a regular basis. Your body knows when it is being limited in its connection and it strives to be part of the Earth’s cycles. To know its place within those cycles. To find its peace in the continuation of those cycles……that “All is well”. Because the body feels and knows the rise and fall of the seasons, and feels the connection to the Earth plane. Through that knowing it maintains equilibrium. Does not go crazy. Does not allow the soul of the body to shrivel or deny the light and the dreaming; deny the cycle of life…….which the body and the plant are both part of.

The fact that you inhabit this body (that needs to be grateful to Mother Earth) is a cause for your gratitude and expiation of the wrongs you have caused Her. She has given you the body you inhabit. It is not yours by right. It is a gift. Acknowledge it as a gift. Culture it, adore it. Love it with all your heart and know that it is indeed a temple for your spirit. A spirit that adores to be in the passionate embrace of each moment, that is always a perfect moment, if you inhabit it with the right perspective.

The seasons show that your body belongs to the earth. And once your borrowing is done it will return to the earth. And your soul will be eternally grateful for the opportunity Mother Earth agreed to give you. To show you how much learning was possible in a short time in this “hothouse” that is the Earth plane. Be grateful. You have been blessed.


The physical world has an outer sheath of being. A physicality that is also beyond its boundaries. Looking at concentric circles (as an illustration), it has inner layers and outer layers. So it is with the physical world. It has inner layers of being and outer layers. It is not at the bottom of the concentric rings, it is somewhere in the middle. Being precise would not help your understanding, as the knowledge that there are infinite layers is sufficient for you to comprehend the vastness of creation, which your brain in this physical dimension would have difficulty understanding.

There are many of your lifetimes spent in many of the realms of these concentric circles. Multitudinous lifetimes, learning, co-creating, living. All learning how love can make a difference wherever you stand in the universe. Love and peace. The concept of which is different to wherever you stand on the wheel of concentric circles.

To understand peace one must experience dissent, hate, diametrically opposed views that spill into violence.

To experience love, one must learn how to be in the moment…… a state of grace. As a receiver and giver of love. A node through which love flows to and from mankind. This love is a constant for you to tap into. It exists permanently. And in your purer moments you feel it and filter it into the physical layers of your existence. This is needed for your physical wellbeing and your emotional and spiritual health. It is an essential………a right.

And most of all one must love oneself. Appreciate oneself. Know that you are doing the best you can in an imperfect world. Love is the important element in all of your being and doing in the everyday physical world. An open heart for all people to share in. Together with the drive that love achieves more than hate. That it drives passionately towards elevated goals and links all of humanity in interconnectivity with every and all connections you make in this world. From animals to microbes, energy waves and thought processes. Love is the guiding force that permeates your being. As you become attuned to that love, your life takes on the love that you have for your relationships, where you live, your interactions, your food, your leisure and work.

Love is not one emotion…… is many. A myriad of feelings encompassed in one word just as the Inuit words for snow are many. To be in love with yourself, your work, your creativity, your relationships and making things happen is your goal. So living in the moment becomes a passion because you love and live so joyously that your one aim is to feel the ultimate state of grace and feel blessed and loved in each moment. That exciting stillness of the soul and mind………aware of the love that permeates the physical plane and beyond. This is the only way to live. Why waste your life on anything but the best way to live?…….. in the moment, passionately, non-judgmentally, open-hearted, creatively. Experiencing this physical world in that mindset and you will literally see it differently. Colour and contrast, focus and intent will all become sharper, cleaner, vibrant, as you tune into the energy system of the universe.

It is only difficult if you say it is difficult. This is a lack of belief, wanting, intent, passion.

So first love yourself. The eye of your concentric circle. Live that love first before allowing it to ripple gently outwards through those circles emanating from you at your core. Let love ripple gently outwards to the people around you, your environment, your creativity, your wants and your needs. This gentle outward flowing of love leads to a knowing vibrance of the world around you. A gentle, loving, understanding but developmental space for you in which you can thrive. As you were born to do.

Everyone has the one joint endeavour…… learn and feel and know that love is the one uniting energy in the universe. And it is a constant. Waiting to be tapped into. Like an electric switch that needs turning on for the light to permeate everywhere. That is the one joint aim of the human race. But it all begins with the central core issue of truly loving oneself. From the pure full love of loving oneself can one then use it to flow outwards, from the molten core of your being, as a node: to carry love through to your world; another human; animal; microbe; leaf; atom. And the world lights up. And all is suffused with the light and peace, wellbeing and growth that comes from truly loving all that is within you and without.

Tick Tock (Part One)

We calculate the length of a day, the length of a week and do not think about the seconds that pass. In time these seconds become of no meaning as they pass quickly and inconsequentially.

Consider this. Each second is a moment in which you live your life to the full, if you were but aware of it. Each moment, each second, profound in its entire completeness of the knowledge of your life. In that second your whole life is contained. Where you have been and the longings of where you wish to go. It holds your pain and your happiness, your past and your future in that one moment, that one second that is NOW. Everything…… all of you, all the physical world, all thought, all life. Held in that one glorious second of your breathing life.

Life is precious. Precious because of the seconds it contains. Precious as it ticks by in seconds. Precious in its wanting to be lived fully. Then concentrate……….focus on each second, each minute……….Live it. Live extravagantly, daringly, passionately, completely…….in each second. Know you are alive. Acknowledge life by living it. Jump into the experience. This breath-taking, awe-inspiring experience and know that you are fully awake. Fully poised in each second to take as much from each second that passes as is possible.

Yes, you also need to sleep. But the seconds before sleeping will be spent in perfect focus of good sound sleep. You will be living to an extreme communication with your body. Aware of its development and idiosyncrasies, so will be able to nurture it. This requires good sleep; good food; good exercise; good thought stimulation; good passions; good focused living that excites you. If each second excites you then life is fulfilling. If you do not feel it in one second, aim for the next……..and the next. And when all the seconds hang together like a string of pearls, then you will find yourself living at such a point of awareness and intensity, you will be amazed at how the difference from before this, had been so mundane and taken for granted. How the pleasure in your life was not appreciated so much as now…….in each moment.

Your work, your resting hours, all can be lived to their best when you focus on extracting the most living from each moment. Without the awareness of these seconds, life is not sacred, marvellous, wondrous. It is mundane and tiring. A neverending eternity that is upheld by awareness of the clock ticking the seconds by. But still so many of you do not realise the hopefulness that can abound in each tick of the clock to the next. All wanting, desire, need, breath taken between these two artificial boundaries. The length of a second……the length of a lifetime. It is a matter of spatial awareness.

Live…… not hide

Live…… do not stagnate

Live……..allow experience

Live……..and love with passion.

There are many futures. Each one can be changed or chosen in a second. A life well lived to the maximum, optimum understanding, love and awareness, will find it has been a good satisfying, fulfilling life. One that you would look back on with satisfaction and a pat on the back, “I did well”. This is possible. There is not always a need for the larger picture.

Raise your mind’s eye ever inwards and upwards by concentrating, focusing on living each second as if it were your last breath. Your last moment on Earth. Extract everything from the lifetime of that second. Even waking from sleep be grateful for another day. Excited at having more room to grow. Ecstatic at the joy of living. Bouncing with the energy of a new beginning. When you arise with this joy in your mind and heart, naturally come about, not forced into place. Then you know you are having an awakened lifetime. When you are unaware of the pain of the negatives and only see a joy in their occurring. As you are given a chance to change and grow for the better….in a positive way. To change and become so much more in that one second and maintaining it in each second. Do not worry about the next hour or maintaining it over the next week. Focus on the second………this second. Tick Tock

Good Choices

Free will is a right each human possesses. The relevance of a person’s will during their lifetime is essential as to their wellbeing, their happiness…….the aim of their life. Their free will pulls them onwards as their desires grow and manifest.

Free will in the modern age is increasingly difficult to isolate/act upon/find. As each person is told what to wear, how to talk, how to think, what is beautiful, what is not beautiful. The great god of mammon holding forth on every possible subject. “Believe this……..Do that. Take that medicine. Eat this plant. This will make you well”. All aspects of your lives are governed by suborning your free will.

Your intuition and connection to yourself………your relationship with your trueself will keep you grounded. Align yourself with your true thoughts and a true way of being and thence a true freedom of your will. It must be your will that prevails, your strength that you lean on in times of need. Your strength that shows you which way you need to go in this world. It is so important to follow who you are rather than become who you are not. This is your innate spiritual intelligence, where you know the best way forward and the best way for your body, mind and soul to live. They need your unfettered free will to flourish.

So do not be taken in by others wants and needs. Find your own and follow them. Stay true to your life purpose. Wear green when everyone else wears black. Stand alone in a forest when the bulldozer arrives. Take the tram instead of walking. It all has a purpose……..sometimes an unseen purpose. Taking you away or towards pivotal moments in your life. Each decision, no matter how small, needs to be governed by unchained, uninfluenced free will, so you may follow and divine your life’s purpose.

Free will is the arrow that takes you towards your true destiny. Do not prevaricate with other people’s ideas, their views, their will that they wish to exert upon you. They are entitled to their free will of thoughts and actions purporting to push you in the right direction. Decide for yourself. Do not become sheep. Align with your true purpose. Listen to your heart and do not let it be clouded by others’ thoughts. Do not allow it to be judged as wanting by others. This is your free will and your thoughts. No other person has dominion over you. You follow your path not theirs. There may be similarities but do not be swayed. As you are unique and your thoughts are unique…….as is your path.

Free will is the act of allowing divine intervention. If you have a true uncluttered, unfettered connection to source, your free will, will show you the true path. And whether to slide, skip, run or walk forward slowly, simply, on that path. It gives you the how, what, when and where. An uncluttered view of life, simple in its trust of the connection from source.

How the line of connection from source shines as a beautiful, true, simple, strong, golden rope of love and purpose from spirit to you. So in life you are never alone, always inspired to be your best. To do your best in any given moment. It is whether you allow the free will connection from source to your heart to prevail against all the other sources in the physical world. All seemingly benign, but truly against the search for your true purpose in life. Which is to lift up your heart, the eyes of your soul, by living a life of good choices.

Healing (Part One)

Thoughts from people……..moving out, away from them towards other people. Warm thoughts, happy thoughts, gregarious thoughts, uplifting thoughts. These are all healing thoughts. Thoughts put into another person’s escrow that they can draw on if they choose. Their healing is not up to you. It is up to their acceptance of their pathway and whether it is right for them to accept the healing thoughts. Many are happier if you send them warm thoughts or uplifting thoughts. Healing thoughts can be a little presumptious on behalf of the sender that they will do the job of healing. The healing is dependant on the recipient’s state of mind and whether it is conducive to the life they have or want. Rejection of healing thoughts is sometimes due to the observation, by the recipient, of the person who has sent them. If the vibration is “off” between the two peoples then a true healing vibration does not happen. If the recipient is happy to receive healing thoughts, and if the recipient is on a similar vibration as the sender, then healing can occur. Healing is a complex occurrence that only the body that has a need of healing can accomplish. Their timeline is also kept in mind as to whether healing is better accomplished now or in two weeks or two years time. The thoughts can stay in escrow for as long as needed and are there to draw on at the right time. The escrow is in the aura, held in abeyance, around the physical body. Available immediately and fully when the person says to itself, “I can be healed”, “I am ready to be healed”. So all good, warm thoughts are put to use at the right time. Do not stop sending them, thinking they will not be used. They do not go stale and rarely are they used immediately.

The warmth that is felt in one healer’s hands and the warmth that is felt in one recipient body is the correlation of their vibration in one place as it is raised to a high vibration. They both sing the same note and a connection is made. They both feel and acknowledge the connection in the warmth. It is up to the recipient body as to whether it discharges the warm thoughts to aid healing. No healer can heal in a way that overrides another’s life purpose or the objective of their life. Both parties are fulfilling their needs. Both parties are happy in the give and take. That is what is needed for healing.

Psychic surgeons are governed by the same rules. There is illusion……as all is illusion…….as all is thought form. So psychic surgeons operate with thought forms. Manipulate thought forms. They believe in their ability and their thoughts form what is needed. The recipient lines up with their thought forms and there is an adjustment in structure of the thought form of the recipient. Both surgeon and patient believing a physical operation has actually happened when it is the powerful wielding of thought form that has occurred. Just as in the physical reality of a physical surgeon, physically operating……… Another thought form. When both surgeon and recipient are aligned in vibration.

The body knows when to accept healing and when to not accept. The only healing that is done is via thought forming, reforming and becoming a new thought form inside a vibration. Vibration must align in those present for the healing to occur.

Absent healing is similar. It is thought……..warm, joyous, happy thought sent to another, that can overwhelm the amount of sad, negative thought that a soul carries. This must be observed to be understood. As a person can stand there, quite dejected and in despair. But turn around and bestow on them a genuine, large, warm smile sent from your heart and it can uplift instantly, be held in escrow forever, to be drawn on at will. A permanent memory or imprint on someone’s vibration……on their consciousness. Everyone can heal because everyone can smile from their heart. Challenging for some at times, but it is a personal mission for each soul…… align with their own heart, their own true vibration. So even the lost, and the sad, the desperate, may one day smile from their heart and in doing so reacquaint themselves with all the smiles they have received in their past. This can hold them in place, rather than them deciding, too early, that it is time to leave their body before their time on this planet has given them the learnings they wanted to achieve.

Healing is all around. You float in a sea of healing……..of good thoughts and happy smiles. It is your decision whether to accept them into your body. Is the vibration true and is it cognisant of its ability to heal? Will it conform to the needs of the recipient? Will it fit their needs or be held in escrow until needed? Healing is a complex operation. This is a very simplistic view but shows the basic premise one has to operate from. I hope you are enjoying the puns as much as I.


Today is a day for new things. A beginning of co-creation for you. Co-creation is a gift that humans have. To come together and create…….something new and joyous. It is done in the physical and in the abstract. It may not always seem essential but is a good way to flex the creative muscles you all have. To unite for a common cause is a joyous thing.

Today we have a common cause. To raise the vibration of mankind in order for them to progress their societies to a higher more valued way of living that is inclusive of every human. Only by working towards high common goals will others be encouraged to do so. To raise ethics and morals and new ways of living. In its co-creation humankind may accomplish this……..with a little divine inspiration………

But the willingness and drive comes from those souls already on earth. As each one person grows and pushes his idea to creation……so do others. And humankind moves forwards collectively, spear-headed at different times by different individuals. These individuals may seem corrupt and morally defective at times but they are doing their best and forwarding the goal they have decided on in spirit life. Their humanity may cause them to deflect from their pathway but, inevitably, their spiritual goal drives them on. This is not with regard to doctrine or religious fervour. This is the electric car and neuronal pathways of the mind. Each creation building on the next. Raising the vibration of the planet, slowly, steadily. Supporting new inventions, new ideas, new goals, new hopes, new dreams, is humankind’s step forward into a new vibration. Positive co-creational thought made manifest. The drive of new ideas is constant and overflowing and humankind will step forward into their inheritance, gradually, beautifully, co-created from thought.

There is no limit…….just the limitation that can be put on minds by others. Co-creating is a positive endeavor. Moving together as one body bringing forth the manifestation of an idea that benefits the human race. Some ideas are cast aside as their momentum ceases and a new way forward is found. It doesn’t mean the original idea is a negative or defunct. It means that the energies of those involved see a new way forward that is better and more inclusive for humankind.

Always the inspirational thoughts are brought to them. Maybe during sleep hours or in daydreams, waking dreams, when we can get close to share, nudge and inspire. Some are already in place with their vision they first engendered with. Their whole purpose for this lifetime. Those lynchpins who have volunteered to help push humankind forward to a time when each human is valued and able to achieve their potential. When each human is equal and unique and seen as a blessing for their individuality. There will still be a life to live with all its encroaching interactions and challenges, but the human life will have more potential and more achievement on this planet. That is a good first step….a good aim. And one we are all working towards. The choice is yours. To stay still or move forwards. To move forwards in leaps and bounds or to crawl forwards at a snail’s pace. Time is immaterial. The world will happen. Humankind will continue to survive and evolve until this is achieved. And then…….we can move further into the intricacies of the human soul/brain/body/lebensraum to raise the humankind vibration even further. Presenting new challenges to the evolving life on Earth. A new generation of evolved life form on Earth. There is much to be done………..Begin now!

The Flow of Life

Everyone needs answers. They look for results. An answer. A positive or negative outcome. A final result. Those answers are not the end. They are the beginning of the next question, the next phase of life. Lift your vibration to the light and allow the answer. Allow life to unfold easily.

For each outcome there is a continuing wave of desire. The answer is never the end. Prohibiting an outcome with your desire as to its ending will not be helpful. Widen your vision and allow it to proceed as it will. As we would like.

The first question in life…..”Can I breathe?” The last question, “Can I breathe?” The lifetime in between is a series of questions and answers. Answers that you provide to fit your questions. Your whole existence and perspective is built on the questions and solutions you yourself provide. If the ground is easy and trouble free the questions are shallow and easy. “Is my coffee cold? Is the sun too bright? Do I need sunglasses or an umbrella?” Or the deeper questions, “Will I survive? Will my body endure this pain? Will tomorrow be another day on this planet for me?” Deeper questions give deeper answers, give a deeper existence. Eventually we all hit a deeper question. A “how to survive this” question and we dredge our experiences to date to come up with a way through the morass. Sometimes there is nothing to help define the answer and we have to improve our deeper questions with deeper thoughts. This then evolves to an answer that may be inadequate but is a beginning of an answer to an insurmountable question/problem.

Begin with a shallow question that can help define the day. “Where shall I walk today? How shall I walk? With joy or sadness? Lightly or heavily as though I am weighed down with stones? Gaily, happily, or dejected and impossibly at odds with the world?” All is one. The world will still happen. The planet will still revolve on its axis. It is your life that will be affected by the questions you ask of your reality. “Is this my best way forward?………or this?” Instead, become the answer to your question. Light up, raise your energy. Be positive in the moment. That changes your perspective and your life experience. It has a momentum all of its own. Despair does not help…… brings more despair. So nip it quickly in the bud when it arrives as the answer to a question. Raise your energy. Your questions can be deep and remain positive.

Freedom from the momentum of a question will only happen through meditation and relaxing the mind. Allowing the mind to defuse the stress of the day. Relaxing into the moment where the moment is everything to you. This freedom can then be allowed to participate/spread through your daily life. And all answers become infused with the peace of, “what will be, will be”, allowing the positive outcome. Allowing life to happen and greeting it anyway with a positive answer. Always being aware of the negative response but not dwelling on it. Instead choosing, positively and definitely, the allowing of your life to unfold. Instead of embracing the blockage of, “No. I will not. I can’t. Definitely not”. Allowing the positive aspects of your life to flow instead of putting boulders and quicksand in your path. “This path is sticky. I will stay here, I know this stickiness. I know its depth and texture. I may be stuck but I know this state…… is safe”. Even though solid ground is beyond. When you take the negative with, “It only looks solid. It’s a big jump to get there. Can I jump? Is it solid? Will it dissolve when I reach it? Is it an illusion of solidity?” , it is better to jump and trust. Even if you do fall to your knees as you hit solid ground. Because you are on your knees on new ground and inevitably, with a positive answer, you will stand. Rather than remain stuck in the safety of being tarred to the path. “I can’t move. I’m stuck in this. I can’t jump. This is too big to pull myself out of”.

There are many different answers to all these different questions. Your life progresses as to each one that is answered. The vista opens or closes as to the answers you provide. A difference to living large or living small. In the response to a question your reality is made of the answers you provide to these questions. It expands or contracts in correlation. Do not expect a negative………there is always a positive to be found. Use it and move forwards.

The Honourable Man

To have in one’s hand an honourable idea of an individual’s lifetime. To read that lifetime from birth to death and see an honourable man. It is to see a blessing on earth. For this person shines a strong decent light on his pathway so he clearly knows exactly where he/she* stands. In every generation there are those who can stand before their peers, show humility, and yet shine their truth to others. They may not be obvious, well-known or celebrated but they are there. Look for them. Their words have value, their ideas are creative and full of life. They have something to offer you…….something to teach you. Maybe not all of their humanity is perfect in its creation but their intent in life is good. There are also those whose intent is to harm and uncreate, bring down, forcefully pull apart. This is their creation. Something new always forms from the ashes of the old.

A used up bottle can be washed, recycled, refilled for a new product. Even with humans……..the analogy doesn’t appeal? That you can be likened to an old plastic bottle, recycled and new water put inside. Are you not formed from the earth? Your molecules brought together and grown inside your host/mother. Everything of her becomes you, everything she eats becomes you. The food from the soil becomes you. Where your bones were laid and your body rotted is recycled and your body is now of your body and other bodies. You hold their history in each molecule of your body. Through the air you breathe and the water you drink and the food you eat. Your universe is alive with the once formation of others. Their strongest moments and saddest, their love and daily life. Each molecule you feel, you can access. They are not pre-lives. They are now. In intimate connection with you. Past lives are not past lives. There is no time continuum. There is only present lives. But if you wish to view this as past lives do so. It is a moment of knowledge ready for when you are ready for it. Meanwhile, past lives in your time continuum have a trajectory forward and back. There are other aspects to this. Life is not a two dimensional plane. How many dimensions can you observe? Three? Four? However, there are many different planes of existence in many different time frames including the lack of time. Time is a motivational part of your life. There are times for eager acquisition of knowledge and play when you are young. And furthering your knowledge of people as you grow. Relationships, experiences all related to time and its impetus. This, however, causes a short life span and a winding down of the body. Without the concept of time your window of opportunity would be greater but less intense. Thus is time a motivational pressure on your life. In other dimensions, where life is more plastic and malleable, the steps forward may not be so great or prolonged, because the pressure and impetus of an earthly life is not there. So be grateful for age and wrinkles. They are a badge of honour for your “time” on earth.

And back to the honourable man. The one who lives his best, in truth, however he clings to this existence. He does so truly to his own convictions. He knows each step on his path is sound because he is truthful to himself. Therefore he carries the molecules of other souls lightly, their memories not impinging on his defined hopes and dreams……..which all have. The molecules carry memories. Each has an isotope within it, of souls and sea and this physical world. You are made up of many voices. And the soul that walks with your body now, can listen to those voices. Hear them and they will guide you in many directions. All life is in you. Do they not demand respect and honour for their passage on this earth? Will you not give them homage for their experience of life? Do you really need a whole person in front of you to say, “Yes, I see you”. If that person is whittled down to bones do you not honour their resting place? So the bones of your long distant ancestors now reside in you through your own body’s need to live on this earth. The bones are turned to powdered dust and scattered on and below the earth. Be assured they have found their way to your body also. Even if only one molecule of an ancestor is within you they deserve the respect and honour you would normally give your dead. It is but their memory of their time on earth that you honour….their experience and knowing. But an honourable man knows this in his bones and places each foot in front of the other honouring his step on the earth and respecting those who have lived before him.

* There is no he/she in spirit. But the male view is prevalent in your society. There is no bias towards gender. All are equal. There is no gender. But the writing needs to flow smoothly without stuttering over your need for gender. Then “he” is used instead of “ the human persona”.