
A collection of words does not completely reveal your heart vibration. Many times they may misrepresent or hide your heart’s true feelings, true expression. Yet your mortality is just that….a life from birth to death……..so short a time, and yet you still do not allow your heart to speak true. Maybe gestures and expressions from your face and body reveal your true emotions but so often your words do not. Words of great clarity are used to misconfigure facts and events. They are used to hide truth and bury iniquities. Words can be so precious, so useful, so loving and yet this unique form of communication is obscured with pretence and deceit. As one person lives in life with this deliberate intention, so it may attract others of the same vibration to do so as well.

The truth of words can be beautiful in their clarity. They may uplift and adore or freshen an atmosphere of heavy emotion. They can tell a story of love and loss, endeavour and survival. They can flow with stunning efficacy from a person who truly inhabits their vibrational resonance of becoming their best. So the most important thing you can do today is speak your truth as clear as a bell, as loving and non-judgmentally as you can.

Each word is powerful. One word may linger in a heart and fester for years. Or one word can be carried on a breeze through a lifetime as a person continually calls on that word for support. Rumi, the Buddha, saints and prophets, your neighbour, your lover……..all these can utter the right words at the right time to bring you clarity in your thought processes and joy in your heart.

Words are efficacious in their ability to move generations with their power. You never know from where the golden nugget of a word will appear. Maybe in print, maybe in the theatre, at a lecture, a murmur from a loved one or a child at play. Without the power to communicate in this way what would the human race be? Stunted in their emotional growth? As not all would have the ability to uplift their vibration through moving the body which can be a complete expression of emotion in those that have the ability to produce a litany of such movements.

Words are important, to use with clarity, wisely. To use them aware of their effect and humble in their presence. If you can wield words, truly you are an advocate for all the positive wellness in the world. There is no answer to a world without words. No mending of hearts and souls, no expression of love. No explanation of the joy in living, seeing and breathing.

Words are important in their sounds, their syllables. As you break them down they resonate. Each word has its own sound, which can then be amplified by the emotion and vibration behind it. So a word has far more power than you realise. As your whole persona sings out to the universe so do your words. They will resonate with you and the powerful vibration that you are surrounded by. One word can vibrate and, if said repeatedly, becomes part of you and the pure song from that one word is drawn to your vibration. You use it and it sounds good to your ear and your soul. So you use it again and it sings to you and eventually it is as easy as breathing and is part of you. This is how you become love, become unwanted, become ugly, become confident. Words can reinforce your feelings and attitudes, not just on an emotional level, but on a basic necessity of life level. Before you are able to speak you vibrate and resonate a tone, a song. The words you hear and grow attachment to become part of your song that you sing to the world. As in, “Mummy loves you”, heard over and over again.

The emotions are wonderful to embrace from one human to another but brought to life by the actual song of the words becoming nectar to the soul. A negative would also prevail, of which I will not speak, because everyone has attached a negative to their psyche and have lived the word for a long time. There is no need to resonate a negatively associated word over and over again. Look at the word, how it feels, how it sounds, how it is spelt, how it resonates and realise that each letter is joined to each other as a sound and a meaning that have come together to create a beautiful song. And you have given that song a negative connotation and absorbed it and become it in a negative way. Take apart each word until you have a string of letters, each with a unique sound and vibration. You can make each sound resonate separately and it is beautiful and clear. But sometimes you put all the letters together and create syllables and words that weaken your vibration. Why would you do this? Enjoy the word that resonates in a negative way? See how you are weakening your vibration by the way you have associated certain events/feelings, certain connotations that word has accumulated. They are not just words. Words are powerful. So if you can recognise this then you can change the language you produce and the negative sound bite or association you receive from that word.

Words can set you free if you truly allow them to sing your own special song out to the universe. The joy and passion in words spoken truly from and with the heart chakra uplifting them is a word of power, of strength, of love. Think on this. Go in peace.

Self-Worth (Part Two)

Self-reliance is an art form. You all need to be self-reliant. To have faith in oneself and one’s ability. This is part of loving oneself. Knowing how to face the world when there is a moral dilemma or strength is needed. Knowing when to be humble and grateful and when to stand up and say, “I am here…..I matter”. This is essential for your wholesome wellbeing. It is the foundation of your psyche. The bricks upon which your personality is built from childhood. Belief in oneself (faith that you know you can follow through), faith in your own ability, confidence. These are “game-changers” in your parlance.

The ego is a delicate structure. It can become overly arrogant or weakened by happenings/events/beliefs that are engendered from the physical experience you are pursuing. The experiences can be of positive benefit but can also dent a somewhat fragile ego. A narcissist will love themselves above anyone and anything around them. This is not the ego gone mad but a slight adjustment the personality has made to incorporate love into the psyche. Over compensation for having had love withdrawn from them. So their flowering did not grow straight towards the sun and the petals closed in on themselves because the sun had to be provided from within. They have no reflection other than their own. No clear judgement of how to behave due to the withdrawing of the love from their timeline at the moments when it could have had important benefit.

Love and fear go hand in hand. Fear of loss, betrayal, a damaged heart, being insufficient. So many losses abjured by love and its lack. Fear of that lack causes many to overcompensate and act in a way that fulfills the need in their wanting, the gap in their wholeness. Belief in oneself can help bypass the fear or move through the emotions it engenders. Belief in oneself as opposed to the belief of outside agencies is an important juxtaposition of one’s soul and psyche. For on belief you can build a mountain. Believing in who you are as a person, knowing your skills, faults and how your ego wishes to be fulfilled is beneficial because then you have your moral compass. Your lifetime has given you experiences from which you have benefited and incorporated into your soul. From these you have extrapolated the ways in which you wish to integrate yourself into society……to a greater or lesser degree. How society’s rules apply to you, if at all, and how you interact personally, intimately and morally.

The self-belief system you have is a basic building block of your personality. It is good to nurture it at any age. It is important when a small child but always an important learning to take on at anytime……that you are worthy of love…….from yourself, from others, from the world. Indeed you are loved and blessed far more than you know. The hardships of the world do not mean you are loved less. They are the challenges that you have decided on for this lifetime, the choices you have made. And your choices will be better understood and made when you know that you love yourself and have belief in yourself. As the Buddha informs us, “right thought, right action, right deed”.

This belief will help you make good decisions, beneficial to raising your vibration in this lifetime. Do not despair if it is a state you feel you cannot maintain indefinitely. Because remaining in the glow of self-belief will ensure you have understanding of the times when you are low/depressed/ sad and you will know it will pass. Because you know you are worthy and you know you are love. You know that you are on solid moral ground of loving oneself and knowing the world returns that love. This will bring you through the sadness as a cloud passing above you in the sky…… and you know the sun is there constantly, always. Maybe it will be hidden on a grey day but you know it will pass and the sun will shine on you and has never stopped shining on you. A cloud got in the way, briefly. You just needed a breath of air to ease it away from your perception. This is a powerful tool that you have control of. Throughout your life it will be needed. Always look to those experiences that can build your self-belief, self-confidence and moral expression in a positive way. Then you may feel your self-worth and your worth to the world and the love that continually surrounds you as a perpetual sunbeam on your psyche.

Self-Worth (Part One)

Here you are. One tiny person in the grand cosmos of life. You are but a speck on the horizon. A smallness of being.

If you feel this…….that you are virtually nothing……too small to be seen in the grand scheme of things, you are mistaken. Your value of yourself is essential to your life on earth. How can you stand in life if you have no belief in that life, in yourself, in your being, your existence? When all around you seems inconsistent and crazy, the one solid foundation, the one dependable thing you have is You. With all your faults and human conditions, with all your emotions, you know that what is most solid in life is You. Externally life may change and seem formidable and too much to bear. Internally there may be struggles as you deal with the constraints of the body. But what you have in this world is the ego of You, that you inhabit, personified by the body. Ultimately this person has been your choice of vehicle, your choice of conveyance from an unknown to a known learning. Without this wonderful body, whatever form it takes, you would not have the wonderful learnings you currently experience.

The important factor in this is You. Your belief systems, your self-worth, your perception and understandings of the realms of earth and spirit and all inbetween. This is what makes you You. You have woven a cloth to shape you and express you. The body is your expression of your innermost thoughts and beliefs and behaviours. The outer world is influenced by how you see yourself in the physical on earth. Believe in yourself, because truly, anything is possible in this world where thought forms are pre-eminent.

It is imperative that you believe in yourself. Believe that you are embodied due to your pursuit of the betterment of yourself. That only positive learnings can come from your outcomes, however negative they may seem at the time. Believe that you are worthy. Believe that you can reach out and touch the stars. For indeed you can. With a thought, as a star reaches to a star, reaches to its own. Just as water will collect and run together to form a puddle and then a stream, so does stardust call to stardust. The minuscule atoms of stars exist in the makeup of your physical body and can play the same note as a star in space. For you are all one and your experience can also come from where your mind and thought patterns take you……maybe to the stars.

For those whose ideas are more earthbound and close to home, it is important that you feel of value……to yourself and to others. Firstly to yourself. That you can see that you are worthy. This is shown by the very fact you exist and are learning in the physical. Only those who are the bravest, most focused, most wanting of the experience to uplift their vibration come to the physical earth plane. It is not a place for beginners exactly. It is a hard schooling for those that wish to refine their vibration by an experience in the physical. There are other experiences to be had in different vibrational realms but none are as exacting as the earth plane. The only instance of a “beginner” is one that has sojourned there for the first time and needs to walk before they can run. These people will not be highly complex people. Their mission will be on learning how to live in the physical rather than achieving a life of merit. They will need to understand and experience the basics only and most will be looked after by others in their lifetime. And some will be short “taster” lifetimes. It is a difficult experience to be born in the physical and feel the confinement of your spirit and the negativity of your world. So be aware when you see a short lifetime occuring or a person that would be challenged beyond the basic abilities of living, breathing and experiencing life more gently because they need others to guide their path. This is a learning also for their mentor who would perhaps have incarnated before them in order to become their parent/teacher/best friend/close family member on earth. So the new spirit to the earth plane may be an old spirit, but new to this “hothouse” of earthly vibration.

Be good to yourself, gentle, and realise the great revelation on earth that is you, is becoming more, minute by minute, day by day as each moment teaches you more and more. Attend to your coming into alignment with yourself. Knowing that your thought patterns are paramount and affect everything round and about you, internally and externally. So refine your thought pattern to refine your vibration. And know that if you have chosen this body and deem it worthy of your choice then your approval of your vehicle is tacit. You have made a good choice. See how your body gives you the experience of the physical plane. See how the senses communicate the solidity of the physical world and the excesses that may be experienced. But understand all the while that this is your choice. Your experience is deemed worthy by your choice. So how can you not feel worthy of this choice? You have backup in the spiritual realms and they/we do our best to keep your vibrational alignment in balance. But the feeling of unworthiness is difficult to oust as it strikes at the very core of a person’s soul and understanding. If you are on the earth plane you are worthy as you have to undergo enormous challenges that strike hard at your self-worth. But your knowing of who you are (spirit) and your life’s mission (to better oneself and bring oneself to a higher vibration) will enable you to understand the challenges you must face. Loving oneself is one of those challenges and must be understood and overcome for your positive thought patterns to become an expression of your physical/external world. You are doing an amazing job because even in the depths of despair you are finding learnings and acting upon them and receiving them into your psyche and spiritual understanding. No experience is a negative experience. No thought becomes lost to the world. You are magnificent. We see it. Now you believe it.

The Physical World

In doing your best to be the best for and of yourself, with your diet, your fitness, your living conditions, your education, one must also question the origins of your food and your electricity, your waste and profligate use of the world’s resources. These are not finite. Addressing these factors too is a step in the right direction for providing for oneself in a morally acceptable way. However, the world is how it is meant to be. There are those who need to be activists and spokespersons for their particular charity or organisation whether saving oceans, wildlife, miscreants or domestic animals. Their need is to feel they are accomplishing something good and powerful in their own lifetime. But conversely it is a fact that if they did not have a strong need, then the need for their action would not be there. They have created, with their thought patterns, a world in need, animals in danger. Their focus has intensified a threat to the world. If a butterfly flaps its wings on one side of the world is the breeze felt on the other side of the world? If the focus and intent was not on the lack and destruction regarding rainforests and oceans would the activists be necessary? Would it be happening? You say “Yes”, and that it would be like condoning a murder by just closing one’s eyes and allowing it to happen. But would it? If the world is exactly how it needs to be then it doesn’t matter if there are activists or not. The world is perfect in its damaged state. It is just a matter of rearranged atoms and molecules.

Thought is where you need to become an activist. Marshall your own thought patterns onto a positive wavelength. This is the first thing to be done. Think of the world whole and healthy, not damaged and in the throes of destruction. Seeing the world so continues its plight. In reality it is whole. It is perspective. From our perspective the world is whole and perfect. From your perspective, death and destruction. The world needs a rearrangement of its molecules so that it appears wholesome and well to you. This begins with your own thought patterns. Think into being its perfection rather than dwelling on its damage. The thought patterns will effect a strong change in the oceans and in different countries where wildlife abounds. You do not realise the power of a positive focus with positive thoughts about something that once had a negative connotation. You underestimate the power of thought. You still do not realise the power of the focus of the mind. If all is thought and vibration then how are the oceans polluted? How are wild animals losing their habitat? How are there billions inhabiting your world? Are there? Or are you in your world with your perspective seeing brown when another sees blue?

This is how one person achieves their learning from life. The balance they achieve within their belief of the need for action with regard to the oceans, forests, wildlife. It is not needed as humans will come home and then be redistributed. But it is a good narrative for humans to be involved in. Their caring for another may begin with a dog or cat or turtle, whale or beach. It may be the door through which they find love and self-respect, through which they find their moral compass.

If the world is devastated it is because you think it to be devastated and if the world is beautiful and in harmony it is because your thought patterns perceive it to be. Thought comes first! You all need to activate your response in your mind and see the world as a whole and not damaged and needing healing. Then each of you will find your patch of earth is beautiful, as you view it and tend to it and believe it to be the best it can be. Then it is.

So simple yet seemingly a difficult concept for humans when all they believe is the physical world they see and touch with their physical senses. There is so much more to embrace/understand/perceive. Hopefully these words will allow a chink of light, of thought, to enter the solidly physical mind and allow a question mark to be entered and held over the possibility that the physical senses may not hold all the answers to their questions, to the fulfilment of their living.

Living in the physical does not mean you have to block all input/thought/visitation from the spiritual realm. Allowing the communication from other realms gives you a richer environment to play with. Allow your mind to open and receive and your views on the physical world will change. As you will see the idiosyncrasies of the physical world are self-fulfilling and engendered by negative thought patterns. When you become more your environment becomes more and this is how you develop to your full potential. So now you understand that for some the oceans are polluted and they need to work towards clean oceans because they are fulfilling their destiny/path and uplifting their vibration towards one of a more understanding, more informed vibrational edge of creativity. Their greater understanding can bring about great change. All is not as it seems.

Staying positive in a negative world

How to stay positive in those times when you feel the pressure of internal and external events/happenings pressing upon you and having an effect of negativity on your psyche.

There are many things you can do physically to stay in the momentum of being positive. Move your position. Literally move from one chair to another knowing that the chair you move into holds more of a vibrational uplift for you. That the vibration in that chair will impact you in a positive manner. Use as many chairs as you need. And then dance, sing, give thanks that you are alive. Be grateful.

You may walk outside and feel the wind and the sun and the rain. Feel the cold as the wind whips around you. Feel the pinpricks of the rain as you become soaking wet. Feel the heat of the sun bake your skin. Through walking just outside your door you know you are alive and can feel the excitement of life in every pore of your body. Instead of covering up and cowering down from the elements, embrace them. Feel how they connect you to the ground and the circle of life and be grateful for that purposeful intense connection. If you are able to walk in nature with bare feet and bare skin, your connectedness will be sublime. The earth will welcome you as her own and your vitality, perception, sexuality (the basis of life after all) will be noticeable and you will know the joy of being alive in the moment.

Alternately go inwards in meditation and track down why you are feeling negative. Chase it to the root cause and dig it out, examine it, swallow it, accept it, and once known, it can be discarded or adjusted.

Or use a guided meditation to walk and meet friends and spirit animals and generally have a wonderful exploration of the pathways of your mind. Or meditate on an item in front of you…….an apple or a candle flame for example. Empty your mind and become the apple or flame. This will return your equilibrium to you. Sit near water or bathe in water. Appreciate the feel of your body within the water. This will satisfy and calm the body as it feels its freedom in the buoyancy of the water. Breathe deeply and watch yourself breathe. Lose yourself in the meditation of breathing or walking. Music can be useful too but be careful of your choices as the vibration can have a negative effect on the body if it is not conducive to your vibration. There are many things you can do but being grateful is the one thing that will align you with your higher self as you will see that you are blessed. Indeed it may help to write on a sheet of paper all the things you are grateful for. Breathing could be the first on the page……and then everything is a plus from there. (smiling)

We understand that life at times feels too difficult, too painful, too taxing to endure. This feeling will pass……If you change your perception from one of what you don’t have to what you do have. On one’s deathbed all you will wish to take with you is a life well-lived. All else you leave behind. So it all will pass in time. But not before you have found your gratitude in life and allowed that to be your mainstay over and above your fear of misery and death. You are all children in this as people are only beginning to realise that the equilibrium and balance to be achieved in one’s mental health is important to every human. This is affected by food, drink, exercise, all nourishment and perception of one’s state in life. How one associates with other people…….not too much……..not too little. One must be able to be resilient in one’s own company, one’s conducive environment and working conditions. All these factors are important and can be acted upon by you to ensure you remain in a positive state. It is always your choice.

The Auric Field

The nervous system is a network of fine capillaries. Not in the sense of blood but as an energy transport system. The nerve endings transmit, via chemicals or electricity, the message that needs to be passed on to the next capillary/neuron. So the aura around you, infusing you, has a network of fine energy transmitting capillaries enthused through it. The network connects you to all of creation. It connects you to other people, the ground, the sky …. Your chakras are the energy nodes of the centre of the energy connection that is You. You coalesce physically around the energy centres. They dictate who you are and how you are and will be. Upon this lattice your learnings will be made. Before you choose your position in the physical (your birth) you will have countered the weaknesses and strengths in your energy centres. They will have been balanced, on advice, as to the best that can be achieved for your learnings in the physical. But they will be in balance as one is in counterbalance to another. This is not just the main chakras you see in traditional pictures of the eight chakras but there are many additional chakras e.g. for each of your organs, your fingers, your toes, at your temples, on your heels. You are a myriad of energy centres that the physical body is built around and upon. The weaknesses and strengths of the chakras will be represented in your body. And though you may have to continually uplift and strengthen one chakra this will not be the case for the stronger chakras. One counterbalances another and the weakest will need constant support for balance. If you choose to allow them to fulfil their own path and spin and shape as their wont, then you will suffer from their idiosyncrasies which will come forward to affect your life.

You are sat in a web of energy striations that infuse your physical world. How you touch a blade of grass is via your energy system first. You touch with your mind lightly and then become more focused. Then your physical aura touches the aura of the blade of grass. All before you physically touch. All this happens in nanoseconds of adjustment, assessment and appreciation. The blade of grass connects with you as you connect with it. As you decide to sit upon the grass in the park, first comes the thought, sent out through the energy centres to the park and the grass. They reach towards you as you reach towards the grass in your auric bodies. The welcome as you touch the earth and the grass is palpable, if you would slow down, focus and feel it happen. Your connection to the earth, as you sit seemingly upon it, goes deep into the ground and you receive sustenance through the threads of energy that permeate both you and the ground. Sustenance as in a physical energy that you absorb into your body and an auric energy that moves from the endless life force of the auric energy field of the earth to your auric field. And a spiritual sustenance also.

Your auric field is continually fine-tuning, assessing, balancing, connecting, adjusting the energy field it is part of and the energy field as a whole. And you control your aura and hence the field and the connection. Mostly subconsciously and spiritually, mostly as in breathing, an automatic response but also as you focus on the small things in life and the large. But it is your focus of your auric field in different directions that is magnified by your intent and focus. This is automatically counterbalanced by your chakras. You do not have to think about it apart from your initial intent and focus as in, “I will walk to the park and sit down on the grass and enjoy the view”. As you can see it is an incredibly complex system, a wonder to behold, even more wondrous than the machinations of the physical body.

All energy is vibration which becomes movement, colour and sound. So you are unique in the cosmos. The strike of your bell harmonious to another. If the sound/feel/colours are discordant then you will be uncomfortable enough to move from their vicinity. If your vibration does not chime with where you are or who you are with, you move away or you adjust your vibration and the resonance in your energy centres. This can be done on a short term basis but can be detrimental in the long term. You may adjust to a lower vibration over time to make it fit the vibration you have encountered. This will not last. Like a cork you will pop to the surface as your vibration and learnings will always encourage you onwards to be your best and achieve the vibrational energy you aspire to. All of your learnings are governed by vibrational energy. The ebb and flow. Its brilliance and its muted qualities. Its intensity and, at times, its flat, opaque or dark quality that sometimes infuses a soul. As a musical instrument that has not been tuned and its tones are flat and therefore cannot be played to its best or sound its best despite the dextrosity of the fingers upon its keys/strings/buttons. And how wonderfully the energy of a fine-tuned, well played, well chosen note can vibrate and echo out into the world for miles and through time. The beauty of how a human can resonate out into the physical, auric and spiritual realms when a true, lasting, clear, focused note is played. This is the clarity with which you must live, to achieve that which you set out to achieve when you first arrived in the physical. I say first not as in the most recent because you may have been attempting to achieve a certain focus and vibration for many lifetimes. So keep your focus. Stay true to your path and who you are. This is the aim of your lifetime. The learnings will come, the understandings will grow and your vibration will become more finely attuned in its complexity and joyfulness.

Pandemic (Part Four)

There will be separation yet togetherness for a while. The ying and yang of creation. The zen of life. The ability to touch hearts and minds but not each other…….temporarily. This will leave a mark on the collective human psyche. One that will bring about positive responses. Again I say that a position that seems to be negative, in retrospect will be perceived as far from that. The heavens will keep turning, the stars in the sky will keep burning and life will continue. This is a small happening in a cosmos of uncertainty. How you make your way through these uncertain times is dictated by your balance on the ground. The balance you feel in body and mind. A steady balance is needed without a dynamic shift from the apex point. Keep your balance, find your balance point and hold it. Nurture it. Do what needs to be done for you to thrive not just survive your difficult days. If you can do this then any difficult days ahead of you will be met with a modicum of balance and emotion and you will know you can survive.

So there are blessings to be had in the middle of this consternation. It is whether you want to look for them to brighten your life and stay positive or whether you choose to occupy your mind with doom and gloom thereby depressing your mood and your immune system. However this pandemic is viewed, it will provide people with a living many times over in years to come. Much research will be done and required. Equipment and chemicals sought. Employment changes and family groupings will be reassessed. Care homes given new status and generally a shake up of societal norms. This can be the beginning of a new appreciation for the wonders of people and the wonders the world has to offer each of you in many different ways. Events and happenings will not be taken for granted quite so much and there will be an outpouring of living life in the Now as people realise how quickly their lives were overrun by the virus and there was nowhere to escape to.

This is an important time. Not a “by chance” happening. Humanity wishes to take a step up in their evolution and they have been given an opportunity to do so. Although lives are lost, life is shown to be precious and that it needs to be lived and enjoyed wisely. The change in society is usually gradual but every now and then there is a sudden surge towards a more uplifted awareness that societies need to absorb. And an event like Covid-19 can precipitate that.

Even at times like these the more aware of the human race have a heightened vibration that is like a network across the globe. Their uplifted vibration is a net of hope and love and understanding that holds steady for the rest of humanity to aspire to and reach and hold onto. And this is how humanity rises to the task in hand. Inspiring each other into becoming more/better/stronger than they were before. So where are the negatives? There is joy as those in the physical come home to us. There is learning as people approach a death they fear. And some continue their lives with a new appreciation of everything and everyone around them. Economics are just tools for learning. What do you really need? Food, shelter, water, education. Everything else becomes a want. As your loved ones return home you will perceive a sadness. This is your sadness, your perception, which you can choose to change when the time is right for you. This may be next week, in a month’s time or now. Choose now…..why wait? Look at the most beautiful, wondrous world you live in that you have inherited. Enjoy each day and know you are blessed.

Pandemic (Part Three)

Motivations behind actions in a crisis can still be run by greed. However the price of this greed is man’s inhumanity to man. The cost of suffering…..the pounds and pence of allowing people to die weighed against the trillions wiped from the stock market and the emotional wellbeing of the survivors of the pandemic. There will be a cost in the years ahead. Meanwhile, to stay safe and look after each other in a connected yet separate way seems to be the key decision. This removes the ability to touch and be touched. Something that humans need as much as air, as much as water. The respect that you all will have for the fragility of your bodies and your environment will grow exponentially, will not cease, and be a constant in the years ahead.

The planet needed a rescue bid and Covid-19 is the superhero bug providing the global response to remove some of the parasitic growth from the face of the earth. This is only harsh if you become emotive rather than viewing these words in a factual way. You are becoming, as the human race, too unwieldy for the planet. She has spoken. Regard Her wisely and learn. She does not send Her warnings lightly. Treat Her with the awe and respect She deserves. Support Her rather than deplete Her. Allow Her to breathe and become Her best for you. Work together to provide the ideal that humanity deserves.

Make a wish………….. world peace? Resolve the world’s food shortages? Repair and heal the oceans and the land? Covid-19 is doing all this. Perhaps you wished for Covid-19 instead, to save the planet. Again, be careful what you wish for. Be exact in your requirements otherwise the universe will bring you what you desire with a few additions, a few extras that you had not focused on prior to its delivery. It is easier from spirit side as there is no death and people are coming home and we are joyful. Instead there is angst and pain on the physical side. But that is why you are all in the physical……to learn, to feel the angst and pain and to learn. Learn how to become better in your lifetime. Learn how to give of yourselves whilst keeping yourself in check so that you value yourself and your time. So you understand many viewpoints/perspectives and can grow in your understanding and focus on the positives rather than the negatives. Superheroes come in many forms.

Covid-19 is but one battle that humanity is trying to win. So many physical ailments seem insurmountable. This battle, this “fight-to-the-death” is what humanity is most scared of. And indeed they do fight, every step of the way to avoid their death.

The more mediums that abound, the more people have of a sixth sense, the more stories there are of miracles and life after death……the more people will get involved and find out for themselves. And then scientists will begin to look inwards to the soul and other universes / creations/ vibrational energies and existence. The more will be discovered and the lighter that death will rest on humanity’s brow. Although fear can create the greatest learnings there is too much fear and negation surrounding the earth plane. We seek to lighten it a little for learnings can still be achieved through relationships and life challenges. A fear of death is an additional burden humanity does not need and has had so many chances of understanding and accepting but still has not really advanced in its thinking. This needs to change. This is partly why we write with you. To encourage thought which engenders change. This is an important message. Minds need to be more open, to broaden in their understanding, become more accepting of new scientific views, to indulge their creative side and allow themselves to believe in the unimaginable and the imaginable. Do you not believe in fairies? Have you not seen them? But you put this belief aside as a child’s fantasy. Believe and you will allow them to become. Believe in a healed world and you allow it to become. Believe in a peaceable world and you allow it to become. Proof is the hard physical fact belonging to the physical world. You are more than the physical world, you are spirit also. Anything is possible in spirit. So touch the epicentre of your soul, your heart, your being and believe…….and magic will happen.

Pandemic (Part Two)


We wish to make a comment about the current pandemic. It is one of many. Yes, many will come home and they will be welcomed happily with love. They made their decision prior to their passing over when they were in spirit. This is how they have chosen to pass over. Do not mourn them for they made their positive choice to become a voice in the world for the future generations. So change can come about and benefit all.

Your world is the blade of grass in front of you that you watch closely and observe. How it grows and leans towards the sun. It’s colour with the effect of chlorophyll, the sugars it absorbs and breaks down and the life it gives to other living beings, the shade it provides etc. Meditating on a blade of grass and looking within can be a revolutionary process for you. Try it. See how you can move your consciousness to within the blade of grass and become one with it to observe and understand the processes it goes through. Its living and dying through the seasons of its life. This is just as important an understanding as you receive the learning and understanding from the pandemics in your physical world. Nothing is wasted or lost. Everything you learn from you absorb and recognise its value. One observation may not neccessarily be more valid than another. It is your perception and experience that makes it so. Your choice of which learning/ observation/ experience best serves you. A more gentle soul will only require the blade of grass to learn from and another less aware soul may need Covid-19. It is your perception of your world that brings you the best experience that you require for your learning to be the most thorough and insightful experience for you.

Covid-19 is no more serious than other pandemics. Perhaps the bubonic plague could be considered the worst to have been visited on the physical body. Especially in a time of limited medicine and physical understanding of the body’s mechanics. Medicine today is still in the dark ages. We are hoping that eventually there will be a move away from chemical medicines and a move towards light and vibrational medicine. Once it has been discovered and harnessed the world will move forward on a better footing and a greater understanding of the physical world which includes the physical body. This is not aeons of time away but a situation such as a pandemic moves people to invent and drive forward with ideas in many different areas of which medicine, virology, quantum mechanics and prior ideas of the rules of the physical universe are but a few. This is an explosion of creative energy which arises out of the combined vibrational need and push forward of the human race. A combined concerted effort to move forward united together. The times of a pandemic provides this as it has done in previous centuries. This time will pass and the human race will be richer for it. More understanding and more equality will be striven for. More gratitude and loving awareness will bring about profound change. So do not weep for those that pass into spirit for they come home happily and know they have achieved “a job well done”.

Pandemic (Part One)

Part one


This time is an opportunity for reflection. To appreciate all the things you love about life. To understand what is important to you and the world. To know that you are cared for by those in spirit, who love you and want only the best for you, despite the view that the pandemic is a negative occurrence. As we have said before, many negatives in retrospect are really very positive. So with this pandemic. People will understand that nature is stronger than humanity and that humans are just one of the species with perception on the planet. Living on the planet and living off the planet…….using all her nutrients to live the wasteful lives many lead. This pandemic will show humanity a way forward that can give equality for all. We are not so obtuse as to think this will be wholeheartedly embraced, for it will not be. But there will be a vast amount of change and minds more opened to moving in new beneficial directions. This is good.

Yes, many are coming home……..but they already knew that. That is their gift to the world. A direct judgement on morality and acquisitions and the value of human life that will permeate societies. The healers will be valued and given their rightful due in society and will not be forgotten in a lifetime. Many benefits will come from this as money is diverted to their cause which would not have happened prior to this. People are afraid of death and dying. That too is brought to the fore for discussion, in many societies. This pandemic is not huge in the grand scheme of things. In retrospect mistakes will be highlighted and the media will receive strong condemnation and laudatory comment in equal measure so will be tightened up in their more salacious, scary reporting. But the human race does love a scary film!

A pandemic is an aid to human advancement. There is no death only experience. The experience of a fearful death may be traumatic but we ease the suffering where we can, as soon as we can. But the fear is sometimes impenetrable until they have left the physical body behind and even then there is difficulty as the fear stays with them, in their unknowing of their situation, and it takes a while for them to understand and be relieved of their situation. Whoever they call for will come, to abbreviate their sorrow and pain, whether in spirit or still in the physical, as dreamtime allows some connection. Not as fully as when in spirit, as one’s spiritual body is more easily accessed in the spirit world than the physical world. Usually it does not take too long for a loved one to reach through the miasma of fear to calm the newly passed over. Their fear dissipates and they find joy in their surroundings. Those that don’t let go of their fear, for there are a few who find comfort that they still are alive by holding onto their fear, these few we give a representation of their surroundings to them, to calm them. And they come to the end of their day and thinking they still live…..they sleep. They think they sleep…..that is their perception. In this time we work to remove the negativity they have surrounded themselves with and though we cannot remove it all, only they can do that, we do the best we can so they wake into a lighter perception that is real to them but more positive and more loving. So they let go of their fear and allow their reality to become less a structure and more the spiritual experience. We care for them deeply as we are very aware of the fear constructs we place around our soul when in the physical world. Most of us have felt it and had to deal with these constructs. So we all want to help as much as we can. A troubled soul is assigned a spirit “helper” who vibrates in a similar way, though at a slightly different frequency, which makes the newly arrived soul want to resonate higher too. A spiritual helper who has had similar understandings and experiences and knows how to help because of these similar experiences. This is used to widen the perception of the newly passed soul in a pleasant, comfortable, uplifting way.

The pandemic is barely a tenth of a second in humanity’s timeline but hopefully a surge forward into a new age. But everyone had to come on board. No-one could be left behind in this leading wave of change. So it will affect all people, not some. And we look forward to observing the changes that will be made as there is a realisation that it involves both young children and the elderly and that it will always be around keeping you on your toes. There will be time to recover from all the ramifications as people turn to each other in their need as a social animal, needing support amid a consensus that the structure of their lives and living conditions must and will change…..everywhere.